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Friday, October 1, 2010

my chemistry class 4M

This class should be 4Malik, but they call themselves 4 macam-macam ada . I will tell you why. If there are 24 of them, then there are 24 different kinds of personalities, from the best ones, the playful ones, the always sour faces, the not ever serious ones, from the very quiet to the very noisy ones, That is 4 Malik-2010 !!


  1. they owned their special identity...and hve alot of task as a student...dont forget to respect your parents..and teacher..
    remember what thy have done to you..
    i'm x-mrsm pc..cikgu nazimah is my chemistry teacher..forever and ever..when i'm study chem here she always appear in my mind...

  2. yezs. cikgu nazimah's the best chem guru ever.

  3. cikgu visit my blog cikgu, ada special dedication for u !!

  4. kepada student2 mrsm pc,ingatlah..walaupun korang merasa kesusahan dan keperitan semasa belajar sekarang..semuanya untuk kebaikan korang...saya ex-student cg.nazimah..97/98..thanks to her..budi cikgu tak akan saya lupa..

  5. thanks for all the positive comments!

  6. sy ex stdent mrsm pc.. ckgu nazimah ibarat ibu kepada sy di mktb... ksh syg yd dicurhkn kepd sy ketika dia mngajar dlm bilik sejuk x akan dilupakn...
